The Ten Commandments are moral laws that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. They form the moral foundation of the Christian faith and guide the ethical life of the faithful. The commandments serve as a guide to live in communion with God and in harmony with others, leading the faithful in the love of God and neighbor.
These commandments are divided into two main parts. The first three deal with the relationship between man and God. They call for faithfulness and respect for God's holiness. The other seven address coexistence among people, covering themes such as respect for life, honesty, justice, and truth. They teach what is necessary to live a life of righteousness in accordance with the divine will.
The function of the Ten Commandments goes beyond a list of prohibitions. They are a call to holiness and charity, inspiring the faithful to live according to the example of Christ. Following the commandments is a way to achieve true freedom, as they guide the individual to a life of peace and social well-being. They promote order, justice, and dignity in society, establishing mutual respect and peaceful coexistence.
These commandments express the natural law that God has imprinted on the human heart since creation. They are a universal code, as they reveal values that transcend cultures and eras. By living according to these precepts, Christians seek the perfection of divine love and justice.
Jesus Christ reaffirmed the importance of the commandments, teaching that their practice is essential for eternal life. He summarized them into two great commandments: to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. Thus, the Ten Commandments are not mere norms but an invitation to live faith in its fullness.
The Catholic Church teaches that these commandments are a summary of moral law, a means to achieve holiness and full human realization. They guide the faithful to choose good, reject evil, and discern between truth and falsehood. Their practice is seen as an act of love and worship to God.
In summary, the Ten Commandments are more than rules. They are a divine guide that directs the moral and spiritual life of humanity. Their observance promotes dignity and justice, building a more harmonious society. Thus, living the commandments is essential for a life of faith and collective well-being.

What are the Ten Commandments?
The Ten Commandments are moral laws given by God to Moses, forming the ethical foundation of the Christian faith. Divided into two parts, they guide the relationship with God and with others, promoting respect, justice, and holiness.

Function and Importance of the Commandments
More than prohibitions, the commandments guide the faithful in the quest for holiness and charity. Jesus summarized them into two great precepts: to love God and to love your neighbor. Following the commandments is a path to true freedom and peace.

A Call to Justice and Dignity
The Ten Commandments are a universal code, imprinted by God on the human heart. They promote dignity and justice, guiding the faithful to choose good and live a life in accordance with the divine will.
Exodus 20:1-17: The giving of the Ten Commandments.
Deuteronomy 5:6-21: Repetition of the Ten Commandments.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, §§2052-2082: Explanation of the commandments.
CIC 2052
CIC 2050
CIC 2042
CIC 2081
CIC 1962
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