The Pope is the spiritual leader of the Church and the representative of Christ on Earth. His authority comes from Jesus' promise to Peter: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church" (Mt 16:18). From this foundation, the papacy has established itself as the visible and unifying leadership of the Church.

The Pope's mission is to protect the doctrine of the faith, guarantee the unity of the Church, and guide the faithful on the path of the Gospel. He exercises his ministry through teachings, encyclicals, and pastoral guidance. His voice is a moral and spiritual reference for Catholics throughout the world.

The papacy is also a sign of unity. The Pope is the central point that unites all bishops and the Catholic community. He has the responsibility of confirming his brothers in the faith, being a figure of guide and shepherd for the entire Church.

If you have questions about the papacy, explore the questions and answers already posted. If you do not find what you are looking for, send your question. Understanding the role of the Pope is fundamental to understanding the structure and mission of the Church.
Quick Guide - Papacy

Study of Questions and Doubts in the Catholic Faith - Papacy